Substitute Requirements
For NEW substitute credentials, follow the link below and apply through the NJ Department of Education:
If you are already Certified as a NJ Substitute Teacher/Nurse or Certified NJ Teacher please submit the following to the Superintendent's office in the Harding Township Board of Education at 34 Lee's Hill Road, P.O. Box 248 New Vernon, NJ 07976
Copies of your NJ Certifications
Notarized Oath of Allegiance
Copy of your CHRU (fingerprint) clearance for our district (2010) OR a Continuous Employment letter from a District you currently work for. If you have been fingerprinted for another district but are no longer employed with them you will need to Archive your prints at the Criminal History website and follow the steps.
Complete an I-9 form and supply 2 forms of ID or your Passport
Tuberculosis Test to be completed w/in 6 months of employment: Mantoux Test 2020
*You will need an interview with the school principal prior to BOE approval.
Please email Lisa Perruso if you have any questions.